Saturday, September 22, 2012

Thing #3

There are so many ways a teacher can use a blog in the classroom! Since my ideal grade to teach is Kindergarten, I could use this as a place to post calendars, upcoming events, and even the homework and assignments I do in class with the students. This could also be a place to post what is going on in the classroom. I could even post pictures of the activities we are doing together as a class. Since my ideal subject to teach is reading, I could also use the blog to post links to stories we are reading and the worksheets, activities, etc. that we are doing in class. It could also be used to post extra practice activities as well, so that parents can practice standards with their children outside of the classroom. Some other ways to use a blog in the classroom include: reflecting on teaching experiences and posting a specific lesson plan for your students and parents to view. This will help keep the parents involved in the classroom and make them feel like they always know what is going on. A blog is so beneficial in the classroom once everyone is familiar with the purpose and benefits of it!


  1. Hi, Jordan I like your ideas. I had the same one as using the blog as a calender. Pictures add a nice touch to the upcoming events as well.

  2. Jordan, I really do like your idea to post extra practice activities on the blog. Having extra practice activities readily available for students or parents to access will promote enrichment. Great post!
